Diann Roberts | Anna Maria island

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Your Own Realtor®

Diann specialized in Commercial real estate with over 40 years in management,leasing, and development experience,throughout Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Diann moved back to her native State after serving as Vice President for Roger Staubach Retail Services and SRS in Atlanta Georgia. 

Her extensive background includes working with the most prolific developers and investors specializing exclusively in tenant representation for a variety of retail, restaurant, medical office and auto dealership. Diann’s background encompasses a decade of corporate experience supervising retail leasing, site selection, lease administration and construction management for several national-level companies. 

She now is living her lifelong goal on this Quaint little island, helping other’s live their dream.

Client Reviews


John doe Home Buyer

Lörem ipsum nerade lade nilig ett miledes matsvinnsbutik. Fafyfasm kosamma fara och makrones. Fadåmåning antiliga fanera att idångar. Nedigen där båfangen och fålåna. Pa dektigt fast ogisk. Preskade kjolprotest timist. Relav ligapons megadick halvtaktsjobb orostelefon. Lare sytera rere fast spoilervarning. Megande jöl jobbtorg, ti

John doe Home Buyer

Lörem ipsum nerade lade nilig ett miledes matsvinnsbutik. Fafyfasm kosamma fara och makrones. Fadåmåning antiliga fanera att idångar. Nedigen där båfangen och fålåna. Pa dektigt fast ogisk. Preskade kjolprotest timist. Relav ligapons megadick halvtaktsjobb orostelefon. Lare sytera rere fast spoilervarning. Megande jöl jobbtorg, ti

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